Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Because I’m just so interesting.

Sweet Andi over at A Thousand Miles From the Place I Was Born tagged me for a meme. If you aren’t familiar with Andi, head on over and check out her blog. She’s a great writer and a kind soul. Plus, she’s a pediatric oncology nurse, and I am in awe of her.

Andi’s one flaw seems to be finding me interesting. And now you must all suffer!

So here are seven mildly weird and/or entertaining things about me that you probably don’t know. Unless you’re my mom. Hi mom.

  1. I was sick a lot as a kid. I got tonsillitis and/or bronchitis, like, every other day. In retrospect, this suited me just fine, as I was bored in school a lot.

  2. I hate mustard and pickles. I’m not a picky eater, but mustard and pickles? I cannot abide.

  3. I have freakishly long and thin fingers. My ring finger is a size four.

  4. I received an award at Corporate Behemoth yesterday. I was recognized “for outstanding vision, dedication & commitment to excellence.” Kindly genuflect in my presence and don’t dare make eye contact. I’m a pretty big deal.

  5. I was voted “Most involved” in my high school class. It took me several years to realize that this actually means “chill out and give it a rest already.” Sadly, I won the same accolade in my college sorority. Hi, my name is Cha Cha, and I am a recovering overachiever.

  6. I enjoy painting. Not like Van Gogh painting – like Benjamin Moore painting. I enjoy the tangible aspect of the work and how painting a room makes it totally new. I also tell myself that it’s exercise.

  7. I know pretty much all the lyrics to every song I’ve ever heard. And if I don’t quite know them, I’ll make them up and fake it. Usually with lyrics about pancakes and/or Foxie Doxie.
This post just totally made the world a better place, didn’t it?

I want to tag some great blogs that I’ve just discovered. These fine ladies make me laugh, and this is a fun way to learn more about them!


  1. I love that you like to paint. I do to. I love to see how a room changes after being painted. (I also dig the smell). I, too, tell myself it is good exercise!

    Oh, and congrats on your award . . you overachiever.

  2. sorry. I do too! (I swear I know how to spell)

  3. You are so cool. I will get on my task later tonight! Congratulations on your recognition at work! That's a big deal! I knew you were an over-achiever. And, since you like painting, I have a whole house . . . I'll give you a trophy if you do it! LOL . . . and what sorority? I was a Pi Phi, president no less! Except for the mustard/pickle (my favs) and the painting thing, we're a lot a like. Don't take this the wrong way, but I love you, Cha Cha.

  4. Thanks for tagging me! I'll get on it tomorrow.

    I love your list and I'm jealous of your long fingers, I have short fingers (my hands look like the hands of a 14 year old girl). And congrats on your award!

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Awwww... thanks for the kind words! You are awesome ;-)

    And oh, since you LOVE to paint and I HATE to paint, and since I have a bedroom that is in desperate need of being painted, when can I expect you???

  6. Ok, I'm in. Must. Get. Writing. Again.

    And I, too, know all the lyrics to all the songs. Husband is constantly amazed at the obscure songs I know.

    I just painted two rooms and I'm in VOC heaven. I love to paint!

    We are so alike. Except you're funny.
