Ah, pork tenderloin - how I love you so!
This weekend, Mr. eHarmony borrowed his dad's SUV and trailer and we drove to Iowa to fetch some furniture. My grandparents' bedroom set has been in storage since my grandpa passed away last summer. I've been without a dresser for three long, rumpled years. It was a match made in heaven.
Saturday morning, Mr. eHarmony and my parents drove an hour and a half to meet my uncle and get into the storage unit. The bedroom furniture was in the way back of the unit, of course.
And, it rained.
And then, it started to pour. We were all soaked and trying in vain to keep the furniture dry. Finally, we gave up and my uncle took us out for lunch.
He introduced the place by saying that they get a lot of lunch traffic from construction because pool is free when you buy lunch.
Considering that my uncle's house looks like a sorority house, this cracks my shit up. I love him so.
Well, the restaurant and the food did not disappoint. Seriously. I devoured the best breaded pork tenderloin sandwich I've ever had in my entire life. And I lived in Iowa for 18 years, so that's really saying something.
It was juicy but not greasy; filling but not heavy. I felt like doing a celebratory dance after polishing off this bit o' heaven. I washed it down with a Miller Lite and felt rejuvenated.
And then the skies cleared and we were able to load the rest of the furniture in cool comfort - nothing short of a miracle in August. I think it was the sandwich's doing.
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