Sunday, December 9, 2012

I forgot my husband's birthday until I saw it on Facebook.

I am the worst wife ever.

To be fair ... he has to travel to a convention every year the week of his birthday. And the night before his official birthday, I stayed up late wrapping his birthday gifts.

But when it came to the day of the blessed event? Well, I was running late. And the dogs were doing stuff. And I was having a bad hair day. And blah, blah, blah.

So, imagine my surprise when I finally had a chance to look at Facebook and saw many messages wishing my sweet husband a great day. Oh, right!

Luckily for me, he was a few time zones behind. So, my mid-morning (OK, who are we kidding - late morning) birthday text just looked like I was being conscientious about the time difference.

Now he's home, and he appears to still love me. I don't think he even noticed. Sometimes, it's good to be married to A Guy. They don't notice crap. Like bikini lines, food that's past its expiration date, and the proper timing of birthday greetings.

Yep. I married well.


  1. good thing we have FB to help us out.....

  2. Hey, in your defense, when one half travels, it is much harder on the one who remains at home. Your life is turned upside down trying to do the work of 2 and handle all little crises by yourself. The traveler has it easy - someone to cook their meals, make their bed and no clean-up. You are lucky you could remember your name.:)

  3. You done good. He's a keeper! Happy Birthday to MyGuy!

  4. You WERE ready. Just not saying so right away...
    Set the bar low at the beginning so it's easy to excel each year--that's a good idea!
