Monday, April 21, 2014

Self-awareness is awesome.

Today, a 7-year-old pal informed me of some news. Big news.

Over the weekend, he switched favorite animals.

Penguins were his favorite animal, but he was at the haircutter place, and they had a snake toy, so he switched his favorite animal to snakes. But then he switched it back to penguins. Also, his favorite foods are still tacos and pizza.

You gotta be you, man. You gotta be you.

My favorite animals have always been dogs, although I did go through a brief duck phase in 1986. And my favorite foods are cooked carrots and no-bake cookies. Because they are delicious.

I love this simplicity. It's like college, when people would ask where you were from and what your major was - but to the nth degree. You can really learn a lot about a person by asking about their favorite animals and favorite foods.

So. What's your favorite animal? What's your favorite food? Tell all!


  1. Cows are my favorite animals I even have a cow tattoo. Although I am crazy about my dog (and to a smaller degree the cats) Favorite food is lasagna

  2. I think we all have a brief duck phase. I don't know what my favorite animal is, but it is definitely not rabbits.

  3. Giraffes are my favorite animal, although I have been sort of going through the horse phase I didn't go through when I was 12.

    My favorite food is cake. Mmmmm, cake is good.

    Cooked carrots? What kind of craziness is that? (says the one who luvvvvvs broccoli...)

  4. Chickens, definitely chickens.

    Food would have to be apples. Or chocolate.

  5. I am STILL in my duck phase.
    Ducks are tha bomb.
    Not duck, that's for sure.
    I would say steak.
    That's why I didn't say cow is my favorite animal.
    Or that would be sick.

  6. Cats for sure, but food? Too many to list.

  7. Fave animal? Elephant. Not that I ever want to have to take care of one......

    Fave food? Hands down its a slutty pb&j

  8. Giraffes. And home-grown tomatoes.

  9. I've never been able to answer these easily--I like too many in both categories! But if pressed...maybe cats and cheese.

  10. For domestic-ish animals, I'd say rabbits and dogs. On the wild side, I love anything with meerkats and giraffes.

    For food, the list is entirely too long. But I could eat pesto almost every night, and also Mexican flavors. I could have tacos or quesadillas or enchiladas. Which is to say (taking much longer than Green Girl): cheese. Cheese is where my heart is at.
