Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Big me.

Today is a very, very special day.

My Boyfriend Dave Grohl turns 40 today! Happy birthday! is featuring a quote from Dave that makes me love him even more. This is Dave's take on celebrity train wrecks:

They need to get their asses out of nightclubs and have a barbecue with their --ing family once a week. It's not rocket science.

Dave! Stop making me love you so much!

Actually, since I've become single, I've been spending a lot of time at Dairy Queen, because I always figured that's where Dave and I would meet. He'd buy me a chocolate dipped cone and it would be obvious and immediate true love. Between me and Dave, I mean. I'm already in obvious and true love with chocolate dipped cones.

But Dave never shows up at the Dairy Queen. And it turns out that in addition to turning 40, My Boyfriend Dave Grohl and his lovely wife are expecting their second child.

I hate to admit this, but I think it just might be time for me to bow out gracefully. I think My Boyfriend Dave Grohl is settled and happy and enjoying a wonderful adventure. And isn't that what we all want, for ourselves and the people we love?

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Dairy Queen to buy my own damned dipped cone.


  1. I love getting my own damn cones. I triple the scoops and eat it all, Baskin Robbins Peanut butter & chocolate... nobody watches, nobody comments. Dave Grohl, he's missing out... He shoulda went to your BBQ.

    I'm on your side bar now!! I am so freakin honored. Wow... I feel so loved!

  2. His advice is so sage--I love that he said that. What is it about family men that make them so sexy? I've never been able to carry a torch for a cad--except George Clooney who admits he is a cad, so is exempt because he's not faking that he's not.

  3. Yeah, he looks happy and all. And she so totally does not look like a bitch. Still, if it were me, I'd keep an eye out at Dairy Queen. Because a girl can always hope.

    BTW, I was totally thinking of you yesterday because the whole "Skin and Bones" was coming up in heavy rotation on my iPod. I know it's over 2 years old and all, but still one of my most favorite albums ;-)

  4. You are indeed a big person. I had to give up on my secret boyfriend oh, so many years ago. When Bruuuuuuce! married that bitch (I was sure of this)Julianne Phillips, I was not dissuaded from the fact that she as married to my husband. When they divorced, I awaited his call. Then I saw him in concert. With Patti. And I knew. She was his and he was hers and I moved on. It was best for all of us. I could not be a wedge between them.

  5. Oh Cha Cha - I'm so pleased that you sound so happy, so together, so going-in-the-right-direction! Long may it last...
    As for Dave, I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't know who he was until I checked him up on Google just now (and yes, I'm old, but not THAT old because I'm actually younger than him: I won't be 40 till MAY), though I do have a pirated (shhhhh) copy of Nirvana's "smells like teen spirit" album, so maybe that counts). Hope you forgive me...
    Plus, as far as secret boyfriends go, mine (the divine Mr Depp) has been happily shacked up with a French pop star (oh, the irony) for something like 10 years and now apparently actually lives NOT THAT FAR FROM HERE (though obviously in another world). I can't watch "Don Juan De Marco" any more (only have a VHS cassette - and no player, of course), but oh, how I love that film! And many others of his, too, though not so much the pirate stuff thank you very much.
    Wow, what a rambling post this is...
    Sorry. I've had a very busy day and only slept 4 hours last night...
    Stay happy, dear Cha Cha, and go enjoy your chocolate dipped cone (I'm slurping down a Diet Coke to try and keep myself awake long enough to do some work. And I'm longing for chocolate).

  6. That is a great quote!
    I too love the chocolate dipped cone. So, so good.
