Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not my problem.

My theme for 2009 has been faith. Today was evidently Two-fer Tuesday in the Hey, God's Got It Under Control Department.

Best Proof God Doesn't Give You More Than You Can Handle
I had a near-miss today.

See, Alice found a dog. A beagle puppy. With no collar and no microchip.

Alice and Jake are remodeling. They can't take in a new dog.

I begrudgingly told her to call me if the puppy's parents didn't turn up. Then, I found myself rationalizing it during various meetings today. Foxie Doxie goes with the flow. And Lil' Frankfurter? He weighs seven whole pounds - he's really more of an overgrown gerbil than a dog. It would be the morally responsible thing to do to take in this dog. And having three dogs isn't like having 27 cats. I could, in theory, still date.

And then? Then, Alice found the puppy's parents.


Best Proof God Has a Wicked Sense of Humor
So, sometimes I pray for patience, right?

At the end of a long day, I spent my evening at the meeting of a philanthropy. I listened politely to the woman who gave a meandering report during which she corrected herself, backtracked and finally admitted she didn't know what she was talking about. I just wanted to go home and put on my pajamas. But instead, I listened attentively. And I managed not to roll my eyes later when a woman proudly exclaimed that she is taking a computer class. She had just one question for the group: What's a blog? And does it have anything to do with "The Internet?"

The ensuing explanation took a mere 13 minutes and included directions on how to connect to this mythical "The Internet."

Oh, God. You are soooooo funnnnnnneeeeeeee.


  1. OMG. People like that are actually out there..?! Whoa...

    Did you happen to at least get a Beagle pic..? ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let's try this again...

    I hate meetings, how do people get through them without tearing their hair out??

    And I agree, I'd like to see a beagle picture too.

  4. That story makes me think of the one about the guy that called because his computer wouldn't work. Turns out his electricity was off and he was sitting in the dark and he just didn't get it.

  5. we have a beagle. i heart beagles -- but yeah, you are probably good to go in the dog/pet area...

    yeah, what is a blog anyways?

  6. No! No! But I'm so glad the dog and it's owners were reunited.

  7. Oh my. I believe I have dealings with the second woman of whom you speak!

    I am not proud. I have passed the point of wanting to tear my hair out. I want to tear out hers.

  8. Funny, I am working on a letter to God right now. He needs to look after some stray dogs I have seen in town, I can't keep up.

  9. Oh, good grief. Makes me think of the time my father-in-law talked about "going on the line." Um, yeah.

  10. Sometimes, to a non-dog-person, having 3 dogs is like having 27 cats.
    Just sayin'.

  11. Early in the week I prayed for patience. It turns out getting patience is like getting in shape. You can't get there without lots of work-outs that involved endurance and strength training.

    I'm sooooo glad God has a sense of humor. I've been giggling instead of thumping people on the head. Much better for all in the long run.
