Monday, July 13, 2009

Status check.

Best indication that I might be working too much
One of the floor-to-ceiling windows near my cube is shattered and covered with a huge piece of plywood. It's been that way since last week.

I noticed it at about 5:45 this evening.

Best indication Guy With Two Dogs might be my soulmate
He makes AWESOME no-bake cookies and then forces me to take some home.

Best indication New Guy I've Been E-mailing might be my soulmate
He suggested that we meet at Dairy Queen.

Best indication that I should quit Corporate Behemoth and become a rock star
I scored a perfect 100% - at the hard skill level - singing Journey's "Any Way You Want It" in Rock Band.

Seriously, people. That's a really hard song. You basically have to have a flip-top head to hold those high notes at the end. I'm like Steve Perry, minus the mullet.


  1. Oh, please get the no-bake cookie recipe. Can never have too many of those, especially if they are awesome. And just the fact that he made cookies, even if he didn't actually have to bake them, is also a plus.

  2. Rock Band rocks! So do cookies and DQ.

  3. Don't go to the DQ on the boulevard!! That place is disgusting....and I will put up with a lot for a girl scout cookie blizzard.

  4. yeah, but you could grow a mullet..... come on!

  5. You? Amaze me. I just put that song on the ipod the other day--now I'll imagine you belting it out when I run!
    Kudos to you for finding a man who loves DQ.

  6. Ohhhh, I have been craving a Blizzard. And now your post has convinced me that God is telling me it's ok to have one. Dammit.

  7. So is the new guy one you met through the online service?

    I can relate to the p'ing of ones dog. We are having issues of major proportions around here.

  8. And that's why I have a married woman's crush on you . . .

  9. Best indication that I might be working too much? Falling 2 weeks behind on reading your blog.
