Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday recap.

After all of the dog vomit and dog pee and general laundry-producing activities of the last few days, Lil' Frankfurter, Foxie Doxie, and I needed a break. And, blissfully, we got one.

We slept until 8:12 this morning, with no barfing and no peeing. After going outside and getting a morning snack, we went back to bed until 10:58.

Then? We snacked. And read magazines. And did a little knitting. As you might imagine, this was exhausting. We lounged back in bed for about half an hour before getting dressed. Then? I made Kraft mac n' cheese.

Obviously, such strenuous culinary feats really drain a girl. So, after eating lunch at 3 p.m.? The pack took a three-hour nap!

So, in the last 24 hours, we've slept approximately 37 hours. I feel like a bum, but I also feel like tomorrow might have a bit of balance and calm.

Now, if you'll excuse me? We have to go to bed.


  1. That, right there, is why we put up with the barf and the messes. They are soooo freaking cute!! I can hardly stand it.

  2. That is the sweetest picture! Glad you got some well-deserved rest.

  3. Sometimes sleep is the best to be done. For myself, yesterday (one day after the new grandbaby, and on the 31st birthday of my oldest) I went down for a nap with one myself. For me, I think it's about staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and stress.

  4. Sounds like a fabulously delightful break. Congrats on doing what needed to be done. Resting.

  5. Wow. Between your migraines and dog hurling you have had a time with it. Sorry it has been so bad for you. My daughter gets migraines and she ends up at the hospital with some of them.

    I have heard that taking feverfew will help. I don't know that for a fact. But yep....stress and caffeine is definitely a factor. But who can live without caffeine? Not me.

  6. Aaahhh...sometimes you just want to scream and yell at the poor beasts, but then they can always curl up tight and make you wonder how on earth you ever got so mad at them! Very cute picture. I love when our girls cuddle up together.

    Glad you're all feeling rested. It's so good when you need it that bad.

  7. Sounds just about perfect...
    * ; )
    I love that picture of dog-on-dog snuggling ~ *heeheehee!
