Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Self medicating.

I'm miserable. The shingles? They sucketh.

I'm finding comfort in some small things.

If I lie on my right side with the side of my face part-way leaning against a pillow, the throbbing in my torso subsides. Good to know.

And My Guy has been making lots of purple Kool-Aid, which, for whatever reason, tastes really, really good. I can't bring myself to call it grape, even though My Guy assures me that it's made from the finest grape powder. It's purple. My Guy says this is the Iowa in me, coming out loud and proud.

And if I lie on my right side with my head just so and drink purple Kool-Aid while watching Maury? Well, right now? That's about as good as it gets.

The Maury quote of the day comes courtesy of a woman who found out that the father of her three children had lied about everything - including his first name. Backstage, this is what she had to say to him.

When we get home? You get your bags and you get out. Get your bags, cuz that's all you're taking with you. I'll give you some lunch meat, but that's it.

I really, really hope she gave it to him by throwing slices of unwrapped lunch meat at him as he walked out the door. Maybe bologna, or maybe pimento loaf, because it's especially gross.

This mental image just makes me feel better.


  1. Now see, I was just a little disappointed that self-medicating did not, in fact, mean drinking copious amounts of alcohol, but that could just be me. Really sorry about the shingles. I'm sure it is a total misery. : (

  2. yes, pimento loaf, that's some gross stuff!!

  3. Feel better. People I know who've had them (including Nick) swear the pain is like no other. Purple Kool-Aid up!

  4. OMG, I was just thinking tonight as I made lunchboxes that we used to call it pickle pimento loaf even though it was clearly olives and pimentos not pickles. Why did we do that? Did others? And was it really all that better that I was putting pimentoed olives in the tunafish while I held my past of pimento loaf and mustard sandwiches in disgust? At least this meat wasn't "loafed" so that's better, right?

  5. I LOVE me some daytime tv! People say the craziest stuff, you have to wonder if they remember that EVERYONE they know is going to see it?
    Hope your kick this Shingles thing soon. Until then, belly up to the bar and order some more purple Kool-Aid made by your handsome bartender!

  6. ok. i just remembered. my mom SWORE i should take the supplement Lysine when i had shingles. i googled it and, indeed, it does seem to help shingles in some cases. now, being a brat, i can't remember if it actually helped me or not - b/c i was probably too busy rolling my eyes at my mom and her hysteria over my shingles...

    but, anyway. it might be worth it for your guy to make a trip to a health food store for a bottle of tablets...
