Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Be true to your school.

My 20-year high school reunion is coming up in September.

September used to be in the far-distant future. Now, it is, like, tomorrow. This is not a big deal except that I am supposedly helping plan my class reunion and nothing has been finalized. My mom asked me about the schedule for the reunion weekend and I just laughed a maniacal, serial-killer laugh.

I'm from a small town. Class reunions are a huge deal.

There are 5 of us who are (in theory) on the planning committee. Only 1 person actually still lives in our hometown. The rest of us are spread anywhere from an hour away to actually living on a different continent. A different continent! We are kind of the shittiest reunion committee ever - at best, we have a rough outline of events. Details? Pshaw!

I helped plan the last 2 reunions. I feel like I've done my time. I live 4 hours away. I just want to show up. I'll give some money, and I'll even bring name tags or extra pop. But I just don't have it in me to worry about what our vegan classmates are going to eat at the class picnic, or whether or not we can reserve rows of bleachers at the homecoming game.

I don't care. I just don't care. It just doesn't matter to me.

Truthfully? I'm more interested in who got fat. And Facebook is pretty good for that.

Plus? In my fantasy, I will show up at this reunion and not be the prettiest or smartest or most successful (actually, this part isn't fantasy - this is all going to be true). But I will be the most ME. And I won't be worried that I got fat or that I'm wearing the wrong thing, or that so-and-so won't like me just like they didn't like me in junior high.

No, in my fantasy, I face this milestone with grace, and with love for the people who shared my childhood.

And nowhere in this fantasy am I parsing out name tags or ensuring that the tour of the new high school starts on time.

But, because I am still practiced in the ways of obligation, I can't quite muster the gumption to say, "Fuck it. You people figure it out. I'll bring a case of beer." But at least I can admit that this is my dream, so that's a start.

Did you go to your high school reunion? How was it?


  1. I go to my reunions because I still live in the same town. But I'm not involved with the planning! They are fine.

  2. I've skipped all of mine - 5,10,20. Something always came up. I've also somehow missed out on my husband's reunions as well. We went to the same high school, he graduated a year before me.

    Facebook has filled in the gaps. Getting a friend request from a classmate is kind of like a mini-reunion, but without the $100 dry chicken meal and warm Bud Light.

    I did attend three proms. Does that count for anything?

  3. I haven't been to one since my 20th and I doubt I'd ever go to another one because I'm starting to forget who everyone was and I'm not sure I really care.

  4. I went to my 10 and 20, both were fun. We didn't have a 30, but the hubby's class did...and it was the most fun EVER! I think the difference by then is everyone was over trying to impress one another and were really relaxed and themselves.

  5. I went to my 10, but missed 5 and 15. I love, love, love your reunion fantasy of being the most YOU. I hope that one comes true for me in a couple years. Because right now, I kind of live in fear of seeing somebody from high school in the grocery store, where they can see that I obviously choose my Facebook pics to hide the fact that I've gotten super fat. *sigh*

  6. I went to the 10th, 20th, and 25th reunions, and they have gotten better each time. My husband went to his 10th and skipped the next 20 years; that introvert surprised me by going to everything offered at his 30th reunion and loving it!

    My 30th is next year. Do you think I can lose 80 pounds by then?
