Thursday, October 24, 2013

When vanity and OCD collide.

I kind of hate drying my hair.

At shoulder length, my hair is the longest it's been in 20 years. I'm just not accustomed to this kind of Crystal Gayle-esque maintenance.

Sometimes, I let my luscious locks air dry. I love how soft they feel when almost but not quite dry.

This is what I imagine I must look like when I let my hair air dry.
This is what I really look like.
It's such a disappointment.

So, in an effort to make myself more Farrah and less Kathy Geiss, I examined my hair dryer. It was pretty gunky. So, I spent 20 minutes picking lint out of the vents.

Now, when I dry my hair, it takes about half as long. Instead of being a teeny bit fried, my hair is a teeny bit more shiny-like. I wouldn't go so far as to call it luxurious, but it's still an improvement.

That's cool.

But pulling the lint out of all the little vents on the side and the back of the hairdryer?

Dude. That was so, so satisfying.

Images courtesy of Wikipedia and youtube.


  1. I hate drying mine too. I usually just leave the house with wet hair and hope for the best.

  2. Fascinating. It never in a million years occurred to me to clean my hair dryer.

  3. If I have to look presentable, I'll take the time to do my hair. Otherwise, I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. I do get loads of compliments when I do take those five minutes though, which totally satisfies my vanity.

  4. You just crack me up.
    But I know what you mean about picking lint--a similar thing happens when I attack our clothes dryer.

  5. I've had the same hair dryer since high school. (It helps that I don't use it.) I shudder to think of what lint might reside inside of it...

  6. This is what I thought (hope you can see it).

  7. HATE drying my hair. Trying to grow it out now, but a time will come when I will demand it all be removed so I am once again maintenance free.

    And my brother had that Farah poster. he worshipped it.
