Yes, you read that correctly. I took a three-hour nap. My mom is certainly on the verge of passing out, as my taking a three-hour nap was her greatest desire during my childhood - and always way, way out of reach.
Sorry, Mom.
I feel like I have been sick 4-EVAH. First the cold. Then the sinus infection. Then the antibiotics that make me feel like poop on a stick.
And really, what's better than reading someone's complaints about being slightly under the weather?
But here's the deal: I have one more day of antibiotics. I feel very "One Day More" from Les Miz.
One day more 'til revolution!
These drugs can fuck themselves!
I'm so tired of feeling like crap
That punk at Walgreens is a thuuuuug!
Few people know it, but those were actually the original lyrics. They were revised - something about Walgreens and antibiotics not having anything to do with the French revolution. Whatever.
So, I can't find a suitably tacky version of "One Day More," but here's a fantastic version of "Confrontation" featuring Jason Segel and Neil Patrick Harris.

Sadly, NPH isn't riding a unicorn in this clip, although that's always how I picture him.
Enjoy. And rejoice in the imminent end of Cha Cha Feels Like Crap blogging!
Image courtesy of God. And Google Images.
And yet, I see few details of the actual date. . . what did you talk about? Was it comfortable? Charmed? Not so charmed?
3 hour nap? Poor baby, you are still sick. If you don't feel well Monday - GO BACK TO THE DR. Don't keep feeling sick, that's no good!!
Yup, just gloss right over that date, why don't ya. I'm waiting.....
Date #3, hmmm, it's getting serious. How are you feeling about him?
I hope you feel better soon!
BTW, I LOVE Neil Patrick Harris.
Oh, Cha Cha, thank you for that video. I saw it a while back but had forgotten about it. So much fun. Is it wrong that I have debated whether or not it would be more fun to hang out with that crew as their HIMYM characters or as themselves? Is that weird?
This post made my day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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