I went to a baby shower yesterday. It was a fete given in honor of one of my friends at Corporate Behemoth.
Driving over, I realized that the last shower I had attended was probably the one I hosted five years ago. After I broke up with Ex-Ex, I avoided them because they only made me feel more "other," more behind. And by the time I got over that, most of my friends had had their first babies.
So, off to the shower I went, vaguely remembering stupid games involving guessing the candy bar melted in the diaper. Luckily, my prayers were answered and this shower, mercifully, had no games. Just food and gifts. And I wasn't subjected to oohing and ahhing over a Diaper Genie. It was pretty no-nonsense stuff.
One of the last gifts was a lovely basket full of children's books. Classics like "Make Way for Ducklings" and "Harold and the Purple Crayon." A wonderful, wonderful gift.
And my gut reaction was, "Oh! I wonder if The Ladybug has those books? I'll have to check and pump up her library if not."
And then I remembered that The Ladybug's literacy - or lack thereof - is so totally not my concern.
Later, I walked up and down every aisle at Hobby Lobby, mostly for something to do. Poochie called and we ended up visiting about his ladyfriend and the recent developments in my world.
I ended up sitting on a display unit in the Hobby Lobby fabric department, telling my brother about the books, about the whole Ex-Boyfriend Formerly Known as Mr. Wonderful dating Lisa thing.
I was a really good partner, and I was on the way to being a great stepmom.
Poochie interjected. "Yeah, Cha Cha, you were great. And you're going to be great at whatever you do. But he threw it all away. It doesn't have anything to do with you."
Ol' Poochie's got a point there. And really, would you disagree with this dude? He will cut you with one stroke of his oar.

He does have a totally great point. Poochie is one very smart bro (love the hair band, Poochie).
Ex formerly known as Mr Wonderful now has a "religious" chick that has rules to follow that they already broke by getting together in the first place. His life will be miserable because he is already incapable of following life's basic rules: Don't F-ing cheat asshole! He is soooo yesterday...
Ok, so you have a church of your own... any singles groups there?? That is how I met my hubby. He said as soon as he walked in the door, he new I had the hots for him, and it was only a matter of time before he was in my clutches", lol (I'm sending you a pic of he and I in our "early days").
So go scope out the scenery next Sunday... let us know what you find.
I love that you say you were a good partner. This says to me that you know how to love. Now we just have to set you up with someone who is capable of the same.
A) Congrats on your parents' anniversary--I love how you describe them together. It makes me happy to know couples like that are out there somewhere.
B) I'm so glad you have Poochie. He is wise. And scary with the oar thing.
Thank goodness for the Wisdom of Poochie -- straight to the point! Cha Cha, you DID do everything right. The jerk [becuz I'm trying to be a lady and will NOT call him what he deserves to be called] threw it all away. His loss. Definitely Ladybug's loss. You will always think of what you had and could have offered Ladybug ... but at some point it will be just with a smile, not something that brings you to your knees in copious tears. Somehow I know that she will remember the time spent with you.
I am so happy that Poochie was there for you in the middle of Hobby Lobby.
And thank you for the beautiful posting on your parent's anniversary -- I am sure they are very proud of the person you are!
...hobby lobby = the balm for many flavors of pain
* ; )
Classic wisdom: It doesn't have anything to do with you.
When will I ever
Learn to love me as I am?
"Worthy," I repeat.
My Valentine Haiku. For you. XO
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